Anima Satanae: The Book of Traditional Satanism
Anima Satanae: The Book of Traditional Satanism aims to describe the philosophy and Traditional Satanism practices according to the vision of the Ordo Volucer Serpentis, rescuing the essence of the Devil's cult and helping those who intend to take their first steps into traditional Satanism. The Diabolic manifestations are described through different myths in a philosophical way, with several traditions that are brought forward in the narrative. However, the focus of Anima Satanae: The Book of Traditional Satanism is the Qliphotic Kabbalah and the diagram of the Tree of Death as its foundation. The Tree of Death, composed of ten shells which are receptacles of Black Light, and its twenty two tunnels that express the opposing will of Satan, represents a path which the Satanist must go through in order to overcome YHWH.
Site : https://fallofman.eu/home/f/anima-satanae-the-book-of-traditional-satanism
Both the Otz Chiim (tree of life) and Otz Daath (the tree of death, the tree of knowledge of good and evil) are purely conceptual structures. The Qliphoth represent the different metaphysical powers of Chavajoth (HWHY), their desires being attenuated. Ascending Otz Daath represents the correction of our properties and the destruction of the layers that stand between us and the Divine, leading us to a noetic experience, an experience with the intelligible world. Anima Satanae: The Book of Traditional Satanism uses the teachings of the Kabbalah, but turning it against itself, invoking the Verb of anti-creation.
Site : https://fallofman.eu/home/f/anima-satanae-the-book-of-traditional-satanism
Released and Distributed By : Fall Of Man

The Black Book of Quimbanda em Português!!
Após ser lançado nas versões Inglês e Espanhol pela editora Fall of Man "O Livro Negro da Quimbanda"contará com a versão em Português! O Livro Negro da Quimbanda será lançado e distribuído no Brasil pela editora Parzifal com nova capa , fotos e layout.A Pré venda do O Livro Negro da Quimbanda já esta sendo realizada pela editora Parzifal!!!
Data de Lançamento 02/02/2017
Pedidos e informações :
The Black Book of Quimbanda in Portuguese !!
After being released in the English and Spanish versions by the publisher Fall of Man "The Black Book of Quimbanda" will feature the Portuguese version! The Quimbanda Black Book will be released and distributed in Brazil by Parzifal with a new cover, photos and layout.
The Pre-sale of Quimbanda's Black Book is already being carried out by the publisher Parzifal !!!
Release Date 02/02/2017
Orders and information:
The Black Book of Quimbanda is available in English and Spanish versions ! For acquiring please contact the Fall of man.
Coming soon will post the news about the Portuguese version that will be released in Brazil!
O Livro Negro da Quimbanda encontra - se disponível nas versões inglês e espanhol .Para adquirir ambas as versões entre em contato com a editora Fall of man.
Em breve divulgaremos maiores informações sobre a versão em Português que será lançada no Brasil!