Through the use of an eclectic magical system firmly rooted on Brazilian Quimbanda and Gnostic Luciferanism, the Ordo Volucer Serpentis has put together a deep and complex cosmovision that will guide the adept towards deeper and darker knowledge. This cosmovision is explained with more detail in their second book, The Black Book of Quimbanda, a volume fully dedicated to this genuinely Brazilian black magic system.
Quimbanda is a strong tribal system of witchcraft, sorcery and necromancy, but for the O.V.S. it is also a cult of deified ancestors with complex rituals and evocations of the various spirits and deities that conform its pantheon. The Black Book of Quimbanda aims to be an introductory volume to those who are interested in the path of this magical tradition. We will demolish myths about this tradition and explore some esoteric manifestations from the practices carried out by the O. V. S. In the words of Ophis Christos and Necrocosm, "Quimbanda represents through the images of Exus and Pomba Giras all those individuals who did not accept the standards imposed by society and conventional religions. These are elements from the marginal and chaotic side of civilization that are remembered as Exu figures once dead. Exu is the one who destroys the "politically correct", breaking the laws and rules of this society; it is the transgressor, one that is outside the social standards of behavior accepted and recommended by the dominant society. Quimbanda represents the opposite of civilization, morality, manners and rules, it is opposition and heresy. That is why we consider Quimbanda as a path to liberation, internally and externally."
The Black Book of Quimbanda presents us this ancient magical tradition as a vehicle through which to interpret reality. The ancestors revered in Quimbanda were originally individuals who opposed the society of their time, a society trapped in rules, laws and dogmas, and formed by individuals trapped in a herd mentality. Quimbanda describes the learning and life experiences of these ancestors, because it is through them that we acquire the capacity to evolve and to self-develop, and to find the divine identity present in us. Quimbanda is therefore a way of learning more about the reality of this life, and glorify death, for it is through knowing and glorifying death that we acquire the knowledge that leads us to the relinquishment of any kind of attachment to life.
The Black Book of Quimbanda is divided in two parts; the first one describes in detail the origins of this ancient cult and its practices, and presents a working magical system with initiation rituals, detailed instructions on how to perform the traditional Giras, the creation of a Temple, and all the works that involve a deeper understanding of the Exus and Pomba Giras. It is a detailed collection of rituals and ceremonies, all according the O.V. S. tradition. The second part explores some esoteric elements that connect the Quimbanda to Gnosticism, according to the practices of the O.V.S.
- Table of Contents -
The Black Book of Quimbanda
The origins of the cult
Exu in Quimbanda
Differences Between Umbanda and Quimbanda
Reinos e Linhas (Kingdoms and Lines)
The Initiation Ritual
Consecration of the Terreiro (Temple)
Guides and Necklaces
Giras and the different types of Exus
Vampires of Quimbanda
Spells and Offerings
Purpose of the Pontos Cantados and Pontos Riscados
Exus and herbs
The Book of Gnostic Spirits
Quimbanda and Gnosis
Exus and Gnostic Alchemy
The Trinity
Final Thoughts
The Black Book of Quimbanda is available! For acquiring please contact the Fall of man: