"For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?"
Many people seek proficiency in Black Magic in order to acquire material goods or mundane things, but the glory lies within the spirit, not in external things. Every spirit poor in wisdom desperately seeks to obtain external wealth in an attempt to compensate its inner poverty, but the true Satanist is always willing to put its own essence first and above the Ego. The denial of this world is based on the ancient Gnostic notion that portrays it as a big mistake, when the creation of the universe imprisoned the Uncreated and eternal Spirit. The practices of Black Magic mentioned in this book have the objective of generating internal changes in the individual, transforming him into a new being, stronger and with a much broader view of the reality that surrounds him, to become fit to practice external Magick (Sorcery) with more concrete objectives and goals. All the myths and practices cited in this book are a synthesis between religion and philosophy originated from the forces and philosophies contrary to the universe; pure Heretic Magic, a full negation of existence.
The Ophidic Essence: Seeking a return to the Origin is a collection of texts that presents the ground work of the Ordo Volucer Serpentis. The notions and ideas presented on this volume have been the basis for the magical work of this Order since its foundation, and are now made public for the first time. For any magician interested, this volume presents a perfect opportunity to be initiated into Gnostic Satanism and the Quimbanda Cult.
This work has been divided into two sections; the first one presents in a general way the different mythological and religious currents that share a common understanding of the dark forces of the universe and their anticosmic goal of tearing down this reality, while the second half delves into the secrets of the necromantic cult known as Quimbanda, explaining its link to other Gnostic groups and including detailed rituals and basic notions on how to deal with the powerful entities known as Exus and Pomba Giras. While some parts of the text are explained in plain terms, others are intentionally obscured in order to force the aspiring adept to ponder about the subject in question.
- Table of Contents -
Other Gnostic Groups
The Devil
The Different Types of Beings
Hindu Tradition
and the Dissolution of the Universe
Lucifer in Paganism and Christianity
The Sacred Eye of Knowledge and Destruction
The Other Side of the Tree of Life and the Uncreated Light
Mesopotamian demonology and the concept of chaos in ancient civilizations
Etruscans and the Shadow of Death
Quimbanda, the Necromantic Cult
Part I
Origins of the Cult
Differences Between the Exus
Spells and Offerings
The Purpose of Sung and Scratched Points
Kingdoms and Lines
Part II
Quimbanda and Sitra Ahra
Vampires in Quimbanda
List of Exus and Pomba Giras
Through the use of an eclectic magical system firmly rooted on Brazilian Quimbanda and Gnostic Luciferanism, the Ordo Volucer Serpentis has put together a deep and complex cosmovision that will guide the adept towards deeper and darker knowledge. Those who read this work free from dogmatic barriers, pre-set parameters and prejudices, may have the keys to escape from this worldly prison, especially those knowing how to use in a proper way intuitive and transcendental knowledge, the kind of knowledge which allows the encounter of the self with its eternal essence.
Specifications: 85 pages, 135 g. paper. Duodecimo size, soft cover bound in faux crushed leather with black end papers (140 g.). Cover hot-stamped in grey with the Ophidic Esence logo. Hand-sewed spine. 300 hand-numbered copies.
The first 70 copies are presented in a black rugged folder, sigilized in silver with the Ordo Volucer Serpentis sigil and wax-sealed with the Nox Sine Occasu seal. These 70 copies will also have a digital version of the book included in the price.
Regular edition €20 (plus shipping)
Folded edition €35 (plus shipping)
The Ophidic Essence: Seeking a return to the Origin will be the second release in Fall of Man's Nox Sine Occasu series, and it is expected to be released in time for the Winter Solstice.