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The Satanic Vision of Gehinnom. Is Gehinnom the End?
By Ophis Christos (Ordo Volucer Serpentis)
According to Judaism, the man who violates the mitzvot lo ta'aseh (prohibitions expressed in the Torah, laws citing what you cannot do), after death, will go to Gehinnom, a place likened to “hell” or “purgatory” , for the soul to be purified for up to 11 months (some cite a year). This purification came to be taken to have heaven violated as laws of alteration and after these alterations can be altered “ascending to the garden Eden takes place”.
So Jewish tradition believes that Gehinnom is not the end for most men, but there is an exception and that exception is the level of Abaddon.
The more we descend into hell, the more we rise on the tree of death. We know the essence of this tree by touching the deepest of its roots. Those who believe that those who reach the level of Abadon will never reach the Garden of Eden, that this level is for this soul, but for those of us who cross the deeper paths of Gehinom willingly, we know that this is the way to freedom is beyond the tree.

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